Bảo vệ trường học vui tính

quay phim khỏa thân trong nhà tắm cho chồng xem -> bị mất việc luôn

Kissimmee Police said the woman removed her badge (huy hiệu; biểu hiện, vật tượng trưng; dấu hiệu), uniform (đồng phục) and gun when she went to the bathroom at Kissimmee Charter Academy to make the video for her husband in December.

The video was unearthed after the Osceola County Sheriff's Office investigated a personal incident with the SRO and her husband.

An investigation showed that while she was on lunch break, she was subject to recall ((quân sự) hiệu lệnh thu quân; lệnh gọi tái ngũ (quân dự bị...); (hàng hải) tín hiệu gọi về (một chiếc tàu...)) at any point.

Police said she was fired because if a shooting would have happened, she wouldn't have been able to respond.

Bài trước: Người già hôm nay
Tags: sex


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