"Squeal like a stuck pig" nghĩa là gì?

Khi tôi nhìn bạn tôi kêu đói. Photo by  Ben Mater

"Squeal like a stuck pig" = Kêu như con lợn bị chọc tiết -> La hét, gào thét trong đau đớn khi bạn đang chịu một sự đớn đau hay bị thương.

Ví dụ
The big boys of corporate Zimbabwe are beginning to squeal like a stuck pig in pain and we should all be worried.

It may have been the cold water, it may have been having to walk to the bath stall, it may just be that McFatterson wasn’t really in the mood to bathe. Regardless of what his objections actually were, he did, quite loudly, squeal. Squeal like a stuck pig.

Squealing like a stuck pig, I turned right into a busy three-lane one-way street. I wanted to get over to the far right line, to make a right-hand turn.

Bin Kuan

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