"Stoop so low" nghĩa là gì?

Hoa quả tươi lựa kỹ tại vườn là tuyệt nhất. Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst 

"Stoop so low (as to do something )" = cúi gập rất thấp -> hạ thấp quá mức các tiêu chuẩn đạo đức/ nhận thức (để làm điều gì); hạ thấp phẩm giá. 

Ví dụ 
Today I enjoyed my breakfast of fruit and a favorite cereal. The fruit had to be picked by hand (hái bằng tay) in California, by immigrants (dân nhập cư). 

No one else would dare stoop so low. Not that any of the five writers (tác giả) credited on the film (three for the script, two for the story) would stoop so low as to suggest that any of this might be related to his penchant for violence (thiên hướng bạo lực). 

Coun Gordon, who was elected to serve the district's Knottingley ward in May, tweeted: "I am completely and utterly disgusted (hoàn toàn phẫn nộ) that the Wakefield Labour Club would stoop so low as to use oppressive and genocidal figures, to promote and sell their T-shirts. 

Thu Phương 

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