Thật sự truyền cảm hứng

'hãy để buồng trứng được tự do' :)

lời kêu gọi của tổng thống tanzania nhằm kích thích nền kinh tế,

cứ nhìn vào trung quốc ý, dân số lớn thì nền kinh tế lớn :D

“When you have a big population, you build the economy. That’s why China’s economy is so huge,” he said,

Tanzania has seen growth since Magufuli’s tenure (nhiệm kì) began - around 6-7 percent a year - but critics say his latest attempt to boost the economy could put the East African nation at greater risk for inequality (bất công) and poverty (nghèo đói).

the latest figures showed that at least 49 percent of the population was living on $1.90 a day.

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