"Tilt at windmills" nghĩa là gì?

Don Quijote và "quái vật" cối xay gió. Photo by: KnightOwl on wallhere

"Tilt at windmills" = đánh nhau với cối xay gió -> nghĩa là cố đánh bại kẻ thù, cố giải quyết vấn đề không có thật, không quan trọng hoặc không thể nào vượt qua được.

Ví dụ
He did not exactly outrun his odds when 13th of 16 in a valuable (giá trị) Glorious Goodwood handicap 11 days ago, though if that looked by far his most ambitious (đầy tham vọng) assignment so far, this certainly qualifies as an even tougher (khó hơn cả) tilt at windmills. Good luck to all.

Indulge (tự cho phép) us today, please, while we tilt at windmills. Imagine how it would be received if an employee (nhân viên) in almost any line of work went to the boss and said, "I'm trying to land a better job. I hope you don't mind (không phiền) if I'm not around much in the next year because it's going to take a lot of outreach to make that happen."

When the market for beaver pelts (lông hải ly), used to make felt hats, began to wane (hết thời), he probably wouldn't even have said, "'Maybe we should try to get as much value for our beavers as we can while the demand (nhu cầu) is still there,' instead of just trying to flood the world market, to respond to a downturn (suy thoái) in demand by selling even more. Not very thoughtful!""And it will occur (xảy ra) to our staples today," Stanford averred. "No matter how much we stand up and tilt at windmills, no matter how much we point fingers at environmentalists and others, the reality is the world is going to stop using oil."

Ngọc Lân

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