"A bit on the side" nghĩa là gì?

Người yêu anh xinh thế này thì sao còn để ý tới ai được nữa Photo by Gui Vergouwen from Pexels

'A bit on the side' = một mẩu thêm vào bên cạnh -> nghĩa là (người) có quan hệ với người đã lập gia đình, ngoại tình hay ngôn ngữ hiện nay thường dùng từ 'tiểu tam'; phần thu nhập thêm bên cạnh nguồn thu chính.

Ví dụ
"By caring for the brood, males increase the survival of their offspring (con) but also allow their partner to allocate more energy into producing the next clutch," Dr. Harrison said. "However, it seems that having a bit on the side might not hurt your evolutionary (tiến hóa) fitness."

Passion (đam mê) is making a lot of Australians do it. So’s boredom (buồn chán). And then there are those seeking a bit on the side because they want some fun. From virtual assistants and app developers to cake decorators and wedding photographers, thousands of Australians are turning their skills or hobbies into extra income through a ‘side hustle’.

One common theme I heard among partners is one of legitimacy (hợp pháp). For many, streaming is a hobby, a way to earn a bit on the side. But if you make it big like Ninja, it can easily become a full-time job, and become very lucrative (sinh lợi) as well. Ninja nor Microsoft have revealed any official figures, but it's likely several million dollars, for three years of full exclusivity with the platform.

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