"Alert the public" nghĩa là gì?

Ôi thôi hết đường rồi, giờ sao? Photo by Trinity Kubassek from Pexels

'Alert the public' = cảnh báo, đánh động về một thứ gì đó bằng cách sử dụng các biện pháp thu hút sự chú ý.

Ví dụ
The Lonoke County Sheriffs Office has requested activation of a Arkansas AMBER Alert. An AMBER Alert is a rapid notification system to alert the public and solicit (thu hút, đạt được) their assistance when a child has been abducted (bị bắt cóc) and is facing grave danger.

The plight (cảnh ngộ tuyệt vọng) of the 18-year-old girl seen by Dr. Schreiber was instrumental in the decision to alert the public, said Michael Gutzeit, the chief medical officer at the hospital. Doctors didn’t want any more patients to receive the wrong treatment and have their conditions worsen.

Some folks actually believe that impeachment (chê trách, gièm pha) will shame Trump and Republicans, and alert the public to his wrong doing. But that is based on how Nixon’s scandal went down, long before our country was this polarized, our media this ridiculous “he said, she said” enabler, and the Republican party became a party gerrymandered (sắp xếp gian lận để giành phần thắng trong bầu cử) into safety in the House and thus even more extreme and less beholden to the people.

When water is diverted from rivers, the remaining water moves more slowly and warms more easily. Algae (tảo) and bacteria (vi khuẩn) thrive in warm, stagnant water and are more likely to grow in excess, increasing the chances of a HAB event. These same rivers that are used as a water source are often also used for recreation. A HAB can be a devastating surprise to people who use rivers or reservoirs (hồ chứa) to kayak or sport fish. That’s why it’s critically important for state agencies to monitor for HABs and alert the public in a timely, efficient manner to all HAB occurrences and their risks.

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