"Blow your cool" nghĩa là gì?

Bình tĩnh đã nào Photo by Brunon from Pexels

'Blow one's cool' = thổi bay vẻ điềm tĩnh của ai -> nghĩa là mất bình tĩnh, tức giận trong tình huống, trường hợp nào đó.

Ví dụ
A boss, parent or someone in a position of authority, perhaps the police, will catch you off guard. Do take note of that. If it feels like a squeeze play, do not react inappropriately. Don’t blow your cool or have a knee-jerk reaction. Be mature (trưởng thành,chín chắn).

IF you are suffering from a surfeit (ngấy, quá độ) of repressed (đau khổ vì kìm nén cảm xúc) emotions, why not pay a visit to Midtown Manhattan? The steaming summer heat gives you the perfect excuse to blow your cool with all the unprintable expletives (lời nói tục) your heart desires.

With her own kids, Klein used to repeat: “He’s just a little boy.” And when your child has a tantrum (cơn giận) or you blow your cool, Klein says the most important thing is to reconnect with the child, with a simple “I’m sorry” and “I love you.” Teach the child that no matter how mad mommy or daddy gets, he or she is still loved and accepted.

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