"By the year" nghĩa là gì?

Lại một năm trôi qua. Photo by  Mohammed Fkriy

"By the year" = Vào một năm nào đó, hằng năm/một năm một lần.

Ví dụ
Bernard Maissen, who is the deputy director for Switzerland’s Federal Office of Communications tackled the subject in a recent OFCOM release. The release states that Switzerland will be phasing out (rút lui dần dần, hủy bỏ từng bước) FM Broadcasting by the year 2024.

The issue is troublesome (phiền hà, rắc rối) because Arizona has the fourth-fastest population growth (sự gia tăng dân số). Right now, the state needs just under 600 primary caregivers (điều dưỡng viên), a number that will grow to nearly 2,000 by the year 2030, according to a report from the University of Arizona.

Minnesota’s Department of Transportation notes that in 2017, there were 3,000 fully electric vehicles (xe cộ chạy bằng điện) sold and about 3,000 plug-in hybrid vehicles. While the full EVs on the road today are few compared to hybrid (hỗn hợp, hai bộ ghép lại) and gas-based cars, Bloomberg forecasts (báo trước) that by the year 2030 worldwide (toàn cầu) EV sales will jump from 2017’s 1.1 million to 30 million.

Bin Kuan

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