"Cast around for" nghĩa là gì?

Tìm đường đến nhà nàng. Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels 

"Cast around/about for (someone/something)" có nghĩa là tìm kiếm điều gì (một cách ngẫu nhiên, tại nhiều chỗ khác nhau). "Cast" là hành động quăng dây câu hoặc lưới xuống nước để câu cá. 

Ví dụ 
It might be cheaper. It was something to debate (tranh luận) and it took awhile to decide that I should buy only one bulbasa trial. I cast around for some other trivial problem (vấn đề thông thường) to resolve and Vietnam came to mind. 

Tessa cast around for a happier topic. 'I see you've been knitting (đan) for the baby.' The older woman's face cleared and she picked up the soft mass of apricotcoloured wool (cuộn len màu mơ chín) from the table. 'Isn't it pretty?' she asked. 

I cast around for an excuse and decided to bring a notebook and a question about the painters who had just finished in the apartment below me. After all, Maxine had knocked on my door unannounced (không báo trước) several times since I had been living in the apartment. 

Thu Phương 

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