"Cast bread upon the waters" nghĩa là gì?

Cho đi không mong nhận lại, cho đi chính là hạnh phúc. Photo courtesy Daniel Thornton 

"Cast (one's) bread upon the waters" = ném bánh mì lên mặt nước -> làm việc nghĩa mà không cần báo đền, tương tự câu "thi ân bất cầu báo". Cụm từ xuất hiện trong "Book of Ecclesiastes" (11:1) (sách Truyền đạo) “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days”. 

Ví dụ 
Dr. Huber Drumwright, my friend and mentor (cố vấn) from Southwestern Seminary days advised me when I was trying to discern (nhận thức) God’s will in a career choice: “Cast your bread on the waters, Michael, and the answer will come back to you.” 

In the 21st century, that good work seems, like the proverbial (tục ngữ) bread cast upon the waters, to be returning to Laguna in the form of Rev. Mackenzie. He comes with his good wife, Angela, and children Noah, Oliver and Cora, and a message of joy (thông điệp về niềm vui). 

The truth is, before entrepreneurs can take, they must give. And business begins with giving. And I believe business works best, creates the greatest wealth, and produces the most progress for all when we’re free to follow the teachings of Scripture (lời dạy của Kinh thánh): cast your bread upon the waters and it will return to you manyfold (nhiều lần). 

Thu Phương 

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