"Change for the better" nghĩa là gì?

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'Change for the better' = thay đổi để tốt hơn -> thay đổi theo chiều hướng tốt lên

Ví dụ
Having Spider-Man connected to the MCU is beneficial to everyone involved no matter what either Sony or Disney say right now. Especially after the blockbuster success of Far From Home. So regardless of what anyone says in the press (báo chí) at the moment, things can always change for the better down the road. But it just means it probably won’t be today or tomorrow.

Our work at the Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business has shown that in addition to being able to imagine new possibilities — what Oxford academic Peter Nicholls calls the “adjacent possible” — there are at least two other elements (yếu tố) that must be in place if we want things to change for the better.

In our journey to deepening of our faith and spirituality, an examination of conscience (lương tâm) is important. If atonement (sự chuộc lỗi) and penance (ăn năn) are to be achieved, we have to look at who we are and where we’re heading for our redemption (chuộc lại) and salvation (cứu giúp). As sinners (người có tội), like those who became saints (thánh, người trong sạch), we can always change for the better and become holy.

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