"Change your ways" nghĩa là gì?

Thái độ sống tích cực cũng sẽ thay đổi nhiều thứ trong cuộc sống Photo by Elle Hughes from Pexels

'Change one's ways' = thay đổi phương pháp, cách làm, cách sống -> bắt đầu sống hoặc cư xử theo cách khác trước kia

Ví dụ
Richard went one step further. Draining his pint, he said, “look, mate, it’s become black and white. Either you embrace AI, or you don’t. Either you seize your part of that money pot, or you don’t. Change your ways or get left in the dust.”

A new collaborative study conducted (thực hiện) by researchers from the University of Birmingham, University of Surrey, and Australia’s Monash University has shown that if you naturally have owl tendencies (xu hướng cú đêm, ngủ muộn), you can change your ways and seize the morning—to a certain degree.

Please know I tried. We all tried to give you options for market regulation, like cap and trade, or revenue-positive carbon taxes, but you fight them with your well-oiled lobby. I tried to give you time to change your ways, but you continue to shun emissions regulation (30 years!), and I can no longer be an enabler to that behavior.

You’ve brushed your teeth and said good night to your roommate—or roommates. If you’re like most of us, the last thing you’ll do before closing your eyes is plug your phone into the charger by your bed and take one more scroll through Twitter, SnapChat, Instagram, or WeChat. But if you can change your ways and do that last check just a little earlier, before climbing into bed, it might make the difference between a good night’s sleep and a restless night.

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