"Cut a path" nghĩa là gì?

Đi theo ánh mặt trời Photo by Adrianna Calvo from Pexels

'Cut a path' = cắt ngang một con đường -> nghĩa là tạo ra một lối đi hay đường mòn (cắt ngang) dòng người, kế hoạch, mảnh đất nào đó; rời khỏi nơi nào đó.

Ví dụ
Crews will need to cut a path through the existing concrete (bê tông) wall between the eastbound and westbound lanes and restripe the bridge for four 11-foot lanes — two in each direction — before reopening the freeway.

Six volunteer firefighters (cứu hỏa) use machetes (dao rựa) to cut a path through the vines (dây leo) and underbrush of the Chiquitano forest in Bolivia's eastern lowlands. They're approaching the leading edge of a fire that's been burning for hours.

Work on the $30 million project started in September 2015, after years of planning and property acquisition (nhận được, giành được). According to state transportation officials, the project was delayed in the early 2000s until the city, ECU and Vidant Medical Center collectively spent $6 million to fund the its design and right-of-way acquisition. The roadway cut a path through a residential (khu dân cư) and commercial area of west Greenville, taking more than 100 properties.

Dorian originally was predicted to slam (đả kích, chỉ trích) head-first into Central Florida, which would have brought damaging winds to Clay County. Then the temperamental storm was expected to change course and cut a path through Central Florida and exit through the Clay County’s back door, which would have resulted in catastrophic flooding. But when Dorian slowed down to unleash unspeakable death and destruction to the Bahamas, forecasters decided the storm would ramble up the coastline, far enough out to sea to merely tickle the state with slight wind and rain.

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