"Dig a pit for" nghĩa là gì?

Mình nhớ là chôn cục xương chỗ này cơ mà? Photo by Laura Stanley from Pexels

'Dig a pit for someone or something' = đào một cái hố bẫy (thú rừng) -> cố gắng gài bẫy ai hay cái gì, đưa vào tròng

Ví dụ 
When journalists visited the school last Friday, there were some villagers who had volunteered to dig a pit for constructing another latrine (nhà xí bằng một cái hố) in the school.

Conceit (tính tự cao) is a dangerous thing. Because of this, many of us make the wrong decisions, engage in all the wrong engagements, and dig a pit for our very selves to fall into. You may not believe what I'm saying, but what I'm saying is true:

In addition to that, Cairo is the third member of team Abu Dhabi and Riyadh, which are at odds with Ankara over many regional issues. While all those countries have been trying to dig a pit for Turkey for a long time, how can they expect such a favor from Ankara?

To get married, have babies, do PDA for the gram and other cute stuff is what almost everyone desires but not everyone is ready yet. And to jump into it without adequate financial, mental, emotional stability is to dig a pit for yourself which will actually widen and worsen till it swallows (nuốt chửng) you whole. Not your aunt, dad, uncle, mum, sister or those friends pressuring (thúc ép) you to marry. Just you.

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