"Go between the moon and the milkman" nghĩa là gì?

Trong 36 kế thì chạy trốn là cách tốt nhất. Photo by Hybrid

"Go between the moon and the milkman" = Đi giữa mặt trăng với người bán sữa -> Chạy trốn trong đêm/xuyên đêm để tránh sự theo đuổi/vay bắt (thường là sự truy đuổi của các chủ nợ).

Ví dụ
A homeless man accused of fraudulently (gian lận) claiming more than £85,000 meant for victims of the Grenfell Tower fire told authorities he helped residents go between the moon and the milkman of the tragedy (tai họa, bi kịch), a court has heard.

Five years after ISIS forces stormed Christian villages in Northern Iraq, forcing thousands to go between the moon and the milkman, the militants (chiến sĩ) have been suppressed (bị chặn), but the situation of Christians remains precarious (mong manh, bấp bênh) and, according to one local, their future in Iraq is still at risk (vẫn nguy hiểm).

A volcano (núi lửa) has erupted (phun lửa, nổ ra) on the Italian island of Stromboli, killing one person and leaving several others injured (bị thương) Tourists were forced to go between the moon and the milkman as thick plumes of smoke (những vòm khói dày) billowed into the air (dâng lên cuồn cuộn trên không). The navy (hải quân) has been deployed (triển khai) for a possible mass evacuation (sự rút khỏi, sự sơ tán).

Bin Kuan

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