"Like fighting snakes" nghĩa là gì?

Thôi thôi, em đừng kể nữa đầu óc anh loạn hết cả lên rồi! Photo by Alex Holyoake on Unsplash

"Like fighting snakes" là cụm từ để miêu tả tình trạng rất khó nắm bắt, đoán biết; gần như là loạn xà ngầu (như rắn quấn lộn với nhau) không thể quản lý/kiểm soát nỗi.

Ví dụ
As the reached one another, both dragons shot straight up and began to coil (cuộn) around each other like fighting snakes.

Orosco and Conaway advanced to the 4th round. Conaway lost his fourth round match with less than 1 second remaining in the 1st period. Both Conaway and his opponent (đối thủ) were wrestling like fighting snakes on the mat (tấm thảm) with each earning take down points, and back points and reversal points during the first period.

The original, which was voted greatest Australian song in a poll (cuộc bình chọn) of contemporary (đương đại) Aussie songwriters in 2009, is caustic, acerbic and supremely bitter. Gareth Liddiard’s voice is laden (đè nặng) down with the weight of the blues and his disgust (chán ghét) at contemporary life. On the original, the guitars writhe and bite like fighting snakes.

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