"Live by my wits" nghĩa là gì?

Hãy chăm đọc sách để mở rộng vốn hiểu biết Photo by Eduardo Braga from Pexels

'Live by/on one's wits' = sống dựa vào/bằng trí thông minh của ai -> dùng tài xoay xở để tồn tại, sống sót bằng trí thông minh

Ví dụ
I’m at the mercy (may mắn) of, how is it, the kindness of strangers. I’ve learned to live on almost nothing and live by my wits for years. I have a fairly low overhead. I can go for weeks without any business, then get real busy. There’s no internet, no website. Some people say I should, some say I’m better off without it.”

I used to hide my Princeton heritage (tài sản thừa kế). I didn’t want to be stereotyped (rập khuôn) as your typical upper-crust snob with a Princeton degree. Now I cherish it. My education made me, ignited (đốt cháy, kích thích) my intellectual curiosity, turned me into a lifelong learner, gave me the confidence to sail out on my own and live by my wits.

Although only 19 years old, he had no choice but to adapt to his role as a medic (bác sĩ, lính cứu thương). “Eventually what happens, you start seeing people that are killed and then realizing that you’re a 20-year-old or a 19-year-old kid, and you’ve got a medical bag that’s not appropriate to what you’re doing,” said Rascon. “Then all of a sudden, you've got to live by your wits and the skills of your self-teaching and the teachings of others, who are senior medics, and realize that, as a 19-year-old, you're not God. And you're about to see people that are going to get dismembered (mất chân tay), disemboweled (moi ruột), and people that are about to die in your arms. And you did not have the choice to come back and say I don’t want to take care of him. You had to.”

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