"On the rocks" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Casey Horner on Unsplash

"On the rocks" = trên tảng đá -> nghĩa là rượu được phục vụ trong cốc với đá, nghĩa khác là trong trạng thái hỏng hóc, ọp ẹp, thiếu thốn.

Ví dụ
Two months after Chinese actress Angelababy and actor Huang Xiaoming refuted (bác bỏ) talk that their four-year marriage is on the rocks, rumours (tin đồn) are once again flaring up. Huang, 41, and Angelababy, 30, married in 2015 and have a two-year-old son, but have faced persistent (bền bỉ) scrutiny of their relationship due to the little interaction (tiếp xúc) between them on social media.

Margaritas are an essential (thiết yếu) cocktail everyone should know how to make by the time they're 30 — although arguably much sooner. Many people prefer to enjoy these cocktails frozen, but the classic drink is typically served on the rocks with a salted rim (phủ muối lên vành cốc).

“It is true our marriage is on the rocks, but it is not true that I have divorced (ly dị) her. I have not taken her back to Mombasa. It is also not true that she refused to stay with my mother and siblings. Stop spreading (lan tỏa) lies and work,” he said

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