"Pass under the yoke" nghĩa là gì?

Bạn có nhận ra kiến trúc này không? Photo by Guillaume Meurice from Pexels

'Pass under the yoke' = chui qua ách (miếng gỗ dựng lên của bên chiến thắng buộc bên thua phải chui qua) như một cách thể hiện của phe chiến thắng -> nghĩa là chịu đầu hàng, nhượng bộ.

Ví dụ
For a soldier to pass under the yoke was a tremendous (ghê gớm, kinh khủng, khủng khiếp, dữ dội; rất lớn, bao la, to lớn) disgrace (ô nhục, nhục nhã) nh for it reflected an unmanly willingness to lose honor instead of dying gloriously.

One unique characteristic (đặc điểm) of that system was the monopoly the Beaux-Arts state apparatus had over the careers of artists, and the fact, essential to the fourth layer of Duchamp’s message, that it exerted its monopoly exclusively through the institution of the Salon jury: Year after year, Salon after Salon, all artists with professional ambitions had to pass under the yoke of the jury until (or unless) they were medaled and henceforth exempted (miễn thuế).

To pursue (theo đuổi) a course of action that left the enemy eager for revenge (trả thù) and capable of achieving it is something no wise leader would willingly do. Yet pursue it he did. Victory and peace were sacrificed to emotion and ethics. The Romans were disarmed (tước vũ khí), stripped naked, and forced to pass under the yoke before being set free to stumble their way back to Rome. The yoke was the ultimate humiliation (làm nhục, làm bẽ mặt), a display of submission (khuất phục, phục tùng, quy phục) that equated the Romans to animals and the Samnites their masters.

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