"Silent as the grave" nghĩa là gì?

Lặng im nghe con tim nói tiếng yêu thương nồng say Photo by Luiz Martins from Pexels

'Silent as the grave' = yên lặng như nấm mồ -> nghĩa là hoàn toàn yên tĩnh, đặc biệt tạo ra hiệu ứng đáng ngại và có điềm báo trước

Ví dụ
Alas, when we asked on Wednesday, Facebook and PwC were silent as the grave. Leaving us no wiser as to why the report has seemingly been retracted (rút lại). Though we can hazard (đánh bạo) a guess or two. The report had TV types in particular spluttering.

It is simply beyond the pale that leaders in the U.S. scientific community would erupt (nổ ra) with righteous indignation (phẫn nộ) over gene editing on babies, but remain silent as the grave about creating a demand among scientists for aborted baby parts. It is unconscionable, and Collins should move as swiftly with his condemnation (chỉ trích) of the use of aborted baby parts as he did his condemnation of gene-editing human embryos (phôi).

“Our job is to take the difficult decisions, and one of the things that we must do is to block a no-deal Brexit, which would be disastrous (tai hại) for this country and for most of our constituents. It would damage not just this generation but generations to come. Where are all the members of the Cabinet who told us that Prorogation (gián đoạn, hoãn lại) would be an affront (đương đầu) to parliamentary democracy, made or a ridiculous suggestion? They are silent as the grave.

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