"Throw a sickie" nghĩa là gì?

Nhiều lúc cũng nản mà nghĩ đến tiền lại thôi. :D Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst 

"Throw a sickie" có nghĩa là biện lý do là ốm để nghỉ việc. Thường nghe nhiều ở Anh. 

Ví dụ 
Our research found that 23% of employees have 'thrown a sickie' in the last 12 months. 

Even the estimable (đáng kính) Harry Maguire ended up throwing a sickie at Leicester as his move to Manchester United grew more protracted (bị kéo dài). 

If an employee feels that they will be unfairly judged (đánh giá không công bằng) for being honest with their employer, they may simply ‘throw a sickie’, something that can be very difficult to disprove. 

After they didn’t flip up for work (không đi làm) after the Christmas occasion, I rang up Chris to b****** him, and he mentioned, “I’ve just done what millions of other people have done, which is to get p***** and then throw a sickie.” 

Thu Phương 

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