"Time and tide tarry for no man" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Lilian Velet

"Time and tide tarry for no man/Time and tide waite for no man" = Dòng thời gian không đợi ai cả -> Không ai có thể dừng hoặc làm chậm lại sự trôi nhanh của thời gian.

Ví dụ
“Time and tide wait for no man,” said the poet. The calendar never lies and soon the summer of '19 will be just a memory.

Time and tide wait for no man. And it seems, neither do babies. A father in Kedah unwittingly (không ý thức) became a midwife (bà đỡ) and ended up delivering his own daughter (đỡ đẻ chính con gái của mình) at home when she decided to make an early appearance.

Time and tide wait for no man. Forty years in waiting, four months in preparation and 1260km in road rubber (đường nhựa), and my father, Peter Cape is laid to rest in an historic church cemetery 10km from where he was born in Helensville in 1926.

Bin Kuan

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