Vì sao Trump là nhà đàm phán tồi?

quá dễ đoán, chỉ có “ vụt gậy và quăng bom tình”,

các thành công trước kia, toàn do cấp dưới và cộng sự làm hết mà thôi,

các nhà lãnh đạo thế giới không thể đơn giản là đầu hàng và âm thầm cuốn xéo như một người bị đánh gục trong thỏa thuận kinh doanh.

...To the extent that Trump and his business did negotiate successful deals, Lapidus said, it was largely because of the skill of his senior executives such as Harvey Freeman and Susan Heilbron, who handled most of the Trump Organization’s Atlantic City and leasing negotiations (hợp đồng thuê tài sản). “They did all the detailed analysis (phân tích kỹ lưỡng) and reading, none of which he would ever do.” Other former Trump business associates say that his frequent (thường xuyên) boasts (khoe khoang, tâng bốc) about beating (đánh bại) the banks (ngân hàng) at the negotiating table (bàn đàm phán) are also overstated (được thổi phồng); it is widely agreed that the negotiating skill of Trump’s then-chief financial officer (giám đốc tài chính), Stephen Bollenbach, is mainly what saved him from a close brush with (tiếp xúc ngắn, gần chạm tới) personal bankruptcy (phá sản cá nhân) when he was $900 million in debt (nợ nần) in 1990.

...When negotiating with countries rather than companies, however, the situation is different. There are only so many countries in the world, and a president must deal with the major ones again and again, and on many different levels—goodwill counts, in other words. Moreover, countries cannot be driven out of business like competitors in business; they don’t file for bankruptcy and conveniently disappear. There is no zero-sum “Only I win” outcome in trade. Above all, national pride (tự hào dân tộc) comes into play—a successful negotiation must leave the other side a face-saving way out. World leaders can’t just surrender (đầu hàng) and slink off (âm thầm cuốn xéo) like someone who’s been beaten on a business deal.

Tags: finance

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