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công ty sức khỏe, ghi 'go paperless' ở cuối giấy in, nhưng gửi đến hơn 500 thư nhầm địa chỉ, trong 5 ngày.

The letters were sent to Stephanie Lay’s 19-year-old son Bryce in Windham, but were addressed to Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services — in Cincinnati, Ohio.

most of the letters said the company was denying a payment of $54. Some say $0. The claims go back to 2016. Lay began receiving the letters Thursday.

Lay first thought it was a joke. She says she’s spent countless hours trying to figure out how this happened, and says she was especially amused (rất buồn cười) by a line written at the bottom of every single one of the letters that says, “Go Paperless!”

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Tags: funny


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