"As black as the devil" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Racheal Lomas

"As black as the devil" = Đen như quỷ -> Đen hoàn toàn/người có tấm lòng xấu, không rộng lượng và bần tiện.

Ví dụ
“The Marquise de Coetlogon took so much chocolate during her pregnancy (thai kỳ) last year that she produced a baby as black as the Devil.

Thing is, that car wasn't white – it was as black as the devil's soul. Would someone really repaint (sơn lại) the last production Demon?

Drinking coffee frequently can get you addicted to (bị gây nghiện) this stimulating drink (đồ uống kích thích) which was once described by someone as “Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love.” Getting hooked on to something like this is quite normal, isn’t it? But quitting (từ bỏ) something that you are crazy about isn’t an easy task. It can give you withdrawal symptoms (triệu chứng cai nghiện).

Bin Kuan

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