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là nguyên nhân gây sảy thai ở nhiều phụ nữ tq

While air pollution is connected to a greater risk of respiratory diseases (bệnh về đường hô hấp), strokes (đột quỵ) and heart attacks (trụy tim), the new findings could add more urgency to Beijing’s efforts to curb the problem, which has long plagued (bệnh dịch; nguyên nhân gây ra khó chịu, điều tệ hại; người gây tai hại, vật gây tai hại) Chinese cities. Faced with a rapidly aging population, the government has been trying to increase the national birthrate, which dropped last year to the lowest level since 1949.

In a study published in the journal Nature Sustainability, scientists from five Chinese universities examined the rate of “missed abortions” in the first trimester (3 tháng đầu thai kỳ), which can occur in up to 15 percent of pregnancies. Also known as silent or missed miscarriages, they happen when the fetus (bào thai) has died but there are no physical signs of miscarriage, leading the parents to mistakenly think the pregnancy is progressing normally.

Tags: chinahealth

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