"Draw forth" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Mara Ket on Unsplash

"Draw forth" nghĩa là trưng bày, đưa cái gì ra cho người khác xem.

Ví dụ
If Chester kills himself, he reasons, Yuko can then draw forth his spirit from an old baby photo of his and carry it off into the afterlife (kiếp sau, cõi âm) with her, sparing his son further grief (nỗi đau buồn).

“A writer cares deeply about life and wants to draw forth that care in others. The writer points us toward the joy and pain of being human, teaches us to find truth in blessing and adversities (nghịch cảnh). He or she is captivated (bị say đắm, bị quyến rũ) by the passionate flow and wants us to experience the grace (vẻ duyên dáng, uyển chuyển) that can be found in each moment.”

Led by the learned (thông thái, uyên bác) Dr. Montague, who is conducting research in supernatural phenomena (hiện tượng siêu nhiên), the visitors have come to probe (điều tra) the secrets of the old house and to draw forth the mysterious powers (năng lượng bí ẩn) that it is alleged (được cho là) to possess-powers which have brought madness and death to those who have lived there in in the past.

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