"Feel out of sorts" nghĩa là gì?

Hãy tìm cho mình phương pháp để giải tỏa căng thẳng, bớt mệt mỏi hơn. Photo by kike vega on Unsplash 

"Feel/be out of sorts" có nghĩa là cảm thẩy không vui, không khỏe, trong trạng thái tinh thần không tốt. 

Ví dụ 
“When you go from 212 pounds to 190, there’s not as much weight going forward through the ball,” he said. “I don’t have as much feel. I just feel out of sorts.” 

Yoga, she tells me over coffee at Knightsbridge beauty house Urban Retreat, is her one constant (điều bất biến) — “like brushing my teeth”. “If I don’t do it every day I end up feeling a bit out of sorts — I don’t feel grounded, focused.” 

“Almost every EU citizen in the UK has been affected by Brexit to some extent. Some people are just feeling out of sorts, but there are some people who feel they can’t stay here any more and some who just can’t cope who have anxiety, insomnia (mất ngủ), are getting panic attacks, feelings of paranoia (hoang tưởng) and suicide ideation [suicidal thoughts],” she said. 

Thu Phương

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