"Fixing to die" nghĩa là gì?

Đã bảo không giỡn nữa! Phiền đến chết đi được! Photo by Matt Jones on Unsplash

"Fixing to die" có nghĩa là gần như chết/sắp chết.

Ví dụ
"Were you in fear that you could have been hurt with the gun on that day," the prosecution (bên nguyên) asked.
"Oh I thought I was fixing to die," Merritt responded.

In 1963, Williamson said doctors told her there were problems with her pregnancy (việc có thai) and she learned that the fetus (bào thai) she was carrying was dead, but wasn’t able to get a procedure to remove it. Eventually, she hemorrhaged (xuất huyết) and nearly died, she said. “I was 19 years old and fixing to die,” Williamson said.

Luther Allgood will hold a book signing at the Junction City Library Saturday, signing copies of his book “Transition: Deathbed’s (giờ phút cuối cùng của cuộc đời) Compelling (thuyết phục) Evidence of Life After Death.” “About four years ago, I just decided I need to put this into a book, because people who I talked to about some of these events, it seemed to really bring comfort to the family to know that their loved one wasn’t fixing to die and that’s that, but there was something else beyond that,” Allgood said.

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