"Get a bum rap" nghĩa là gì?

Hoa thuộc họ nhà "cúc" rất nhiều và phong phú. Photo by Antone Adi from Pexels 

"Get a bum rap" nghĩa là bị buộc tội nhầm, đánh giá sai hoặc bị nói xấu. "Bum rap" tương đương "bad rap".

Ví dụ
Variance (phương sai) gets a bad rap in the poker community, but without it, our game would not exist.

Despite commonly held beliefs, Nelson said spiders are getting a bum rap as they rarely bite and are essential players in our world’s ecosystem (hệ sinh thái).

Slowburn horror gets a bum rap sometimes, but while it’s not everyone’s cup of blood there’s a real satisfaction to be found in horror films that take a leisurely (nhàn nhã) approach to building terror (khủng bố) and tightening the tension (căng thẳng).

Goldenrod (Solidago (loài hoa họ Cúc)) is the wildflower (hoa dại) that often gets a bum rap because it is confused with ragweed (giống cúc vàng) (Ambrosia psilostachya (Cỏ phấn hoa)) that can cause hay fever (allergic rhinitis (viêm mũi dị ứng)). Both plants bloom about the same time but are completely different. 

Thu Phương

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