"Hard on your heels" nghĩa là gì?

Từ từ thôi ông ơi. Photo courtesy: Pannell_2010

"Hard on someone/the heels" = dữ dội ở gót chân -> điều gì đó xảy ra rất nhanh hoặc ngay lập tức sau một thứ gì đó.

Ví dụ
Unfortunately, bad news has come hard on the heels of good.

Li Wei’s comments come hard on the heels of Chinese president and general secretary (tổng bí thư) of the Communist Party Xi Jinping’s call for widespread (rộng rãi) blockchain adoption (chấp nhận) in China on Friday.

In the super competitive world of B2B marketing, it’s a battle between your success –or that of your competitors. The right marketing strategies can keep you way ahead of the curve, but if you aren’t keeping up with the times, your competition will be hard on your heels.

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Bài trước: "Hanged for a sheep as a lamb" nghĩa là gì?
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