"Have to draw the line somewhere" nghĩa là gì?

Về thôi em, mẹ cho chơi 20 phút thôi! Photo by Hisu lee on Unsplash

"Have to draw a/the line somewhere" nghĩa là ấn định một giới hạn, vạch ra một đường, một lằn ranh nào đó để không cho người khác vượt qua.

Ví dụ
“This sign is probably not going to get replaced,” Atwater said as he stood at the end of School House Road in Aylesford. “We’re out of signs and you have to draw the line somewhere.”

You have to draw the line somewhere, so I’m going to choose 2012. That’s when Tesla started making the Model S in earnest (một cách nghiêm chỉnh), and the big battery packs that power it.

“We understand that you have to draw the line somewhere, but it doesn’t really make sense from a scientific or health perspective to ban cartridges (vỏ đạn) with botanical (thuộc về thực vật học) terpenes and not cannabis (cây gai dầu) terpenes since they are chemically identical (tương đồng).”

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Bài trước: "Draw a line under" nghĩa là gì?
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