"King or Kaiser" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by iam_os

"King or Kaiser" = vua hay hoàng đế -> nghĩa là bất kỳ thế lực/người nằm quyền lực/người cai trị thế giới nào.

Ví dụ
Monday was originally set to be the start of a multi-day trial on charges of fraud (lừa đảo) and theft (trộm) over $5,000, which both faced. Instead, guilty pleas (biện hộ, bào chữa cho tội lỗi) to the criminal charge of taking secret commissions were entered — with Judge Ted Fisher accepting joint sentencing submissions from Crown and defence, saying he doesn’t expect to see either King or Kaiser before the courts again.

Before the Easter Rising of April 1916 the banner that hung from Liberty Hall in Dublin read “We serve neither king nor kaiser but Ireland”. At the end of that year, in another declaration of independence (bản tuyên ngôn độc lập), the semi-autobiographical (nửa, bán tự truyện) central character of James Joyce’s first novel, ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’, adopts a personal motto: ‘Non serviam’ – ‘I will not serve’.

It was not a King or Kaiser, a general or politician, who tipped (đẩy, đổ) Europe into the Great War a century ago, though they stood in expectation of it on the borders (biên giới) of their seething continent (lục địa xoáy động), but Gavrilo Princip, a 19-year-old Bosnian boy in far-off Sarajevo. Bosnia had for centuries been a province of the Ottoman Empire but, released from the Turks by the Treaty of Berlin in 1878, it was immediately transferred to the dominion (lãnh thổ tự trị) of the Austro-Hungarian Empire when its people would rather have been united with neighbouring Serbia, made a sovereign state (nhà nước độc lập có chủ quyền) by the same treaty (chính hiệp ước đó).

Bin Kuan

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