"The opium of the people" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Isabell Winter

"The opium of the people" = thuốc phiện của nhân dân -> Chỉ cảm giác hạnh phúc/sự thỏa mãn giả tạo và phi thực tế.

Ví dụ
“Religion is the sigh (tiếng thở dài) of the oppressed (áp bức, đàn áp) creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

The French academic Marc Perelman abhors (ghê tởm, ghét cay ghét đắng) sport for the same reason Karl Marx disliked religion – that it is akin (thân thuộc, bà con) to an “opium of the people”.

"Opium for the people", was how Marx described the role of religion in 19th Century England, a foil to distract miserable people (người khốn cùng) from the grim reality of their lot (số phận, vận mệnh). Are happiness studies the 21st Century equivalent (sự tương quan) – a last straw for the poor and struggling to cling on to? Or do the effects reach further still? What if the measuring of happiness is not a distraction, but something at the very core of our economic system?

Bin Kuan

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