"The tools of the trade" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

"The tools of the trade" = công cụ thương mại -> nghĩa là những công cụ, việc làm cho một công việc cụ thể.

Ví dụ
The reality is that we are multi-million dollar businesses. We are not big enough to act like a Bank of America, ergo we are a perfect target for something that, frankly, most high school students are learning how to work and manipulate (vận dụng). And the tools of the trade are readily (sẵn sàng) accessible on the internet.

Newly hired instructor Matt English, a construction industry veteran (cựu chiến binh) with roots in carpentry (thợ mộc) dating back to the ’80s, has been working to prepare his 107 students to learn the ins-and-outs of basic carpentry — despite the fact that the tools of the trade have yet to arrive.

Bennie wants to open his own commercial cleaning company some day and he’s now being taught the tools of the trade. Equally important, he’s being treated with respect and dignity (phẩm giá) by every CWS counselor he works with.

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