Công nghệ rồi cũng thua con người hết

Adidas đóng cửa hai nhà máy speedfactory (sản xuất giày bằng robot) ở đức và mỹ vì khó vận hành, không linh hoạt như nhà máy truyền thống (hàng nghìn công nhân human)

...The factories were established in 2016 (Ansbach) and 2017 (Atlanta) as part of a strategy (chiến lược) to decentralize (phân cấp) its manufacturing processes. The existing model, like so many other industries, is to produce the product in eastern Asia, where labor and overhead (chi phí hành chính, chi phí sản xuất chung) is less expensive, then ship it as needed. But this is a slow and clumsy model for an industry that moves as quickly as fashion and athletics.

"Right now, most of our products are made out of Asia and we put them on a boat or on a plane so they end up on Fifth Avenue," said Adidas CMO Eric Liedtke in an interview last year at Disrupt SF about new manufacturing techniques. The Speedfactories were intended to change that: "Instead of having some sort of micro-distribution center (tiểu trung tâm phân phối) in Jersey, we can have a micro-factory (tiểu nhà máy) in Jersey."

...As other industries have found in the rush (vội lao tới) to automation (tự động hóa), it's easy to overshoot (cường điệu, phóng đại) the mark and overcommit when the technology just isn't ready. Robotic factories are a powerful tool but difficult to quickly reconfigure (định hình thể, cho một định dạng) or repurpose (chuyển đổi mục đích), since it takes specialty knowledge to set up racks of robotic arms, computer vision systems, and so on. Robotics manufacturers are making advances in this field, but for now it's a whole lot harder than training a human workforce to use standard tools on a different pattern.
Tags: finance

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