"Break my heart" nghĩa là gì?

Trái tim pha lê. Photo by Kelly Sikkema

"Break (one's) heart" = Làm tim ai tan nát -> Buồn/đau khổ dã man, thường được dùng khi kết thúc một mối quan hệ/chia tay với ai.

Ví dụ
Bhetwall said seeing kids hurt in the violence (bạo lực) would break his heart. He still has family in his home country and friends in the Middle East (trung đông).

Brad lost his daughter in a car wreck in August 2014. He told Patterson that her messages "have kept [him] alive." He told Patterson he had not reached out before because he didn't want to break her heart. Brad then ended the message by saying he wished his little girl would have become the woman Patterson is, and that he is so proud of her.

It’s a statistical (thuộc thống kê) near-certainty that, if you break my heart, I will take a month off from work and embark on an “Eat Pray Love”-style journey around the world. We’re talking a dizzying montage (dựng phim/lắp ráp làm hoa mắt, chóng mặt) of airplanes, cabs, bottled water, economic support of environmentally irresponsible nations, and God knows what else.

Bin Kuan

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