"Eat up with" nghĩa là gì?

Lá đang bị chúng ăn dần ăn mòn. Photo by  Victoria Tronina

"Eat(en) up with (something)" = Bị hao mòn, bị tàn phá hoặc bị tiều tụy với điều gì.

Ví dụ
"I feel like I can't grieve (đau buồn), I'm just eaten up with anger." "They all had proper bowel training," she said.

“Eads is being eaten up with parking from all over the place, and this is just going to exacerbate (làm trầm trọng thêm) the situation,” said neighbor Colin Wallace.

"The reason why this county is eat up with drugs is because I can't put them in prison (bỏ tù) because they don't qualify under these worksheets. And I'm sick of it and the legislature (cơ quan lập pháp) needs to do something about it to fix it," Casey said.

At sixteen, I was an assistant nurse in training in a hospital full of war casualties (nạn nhân của chiến tranh) and elderly people who were eaten up with bitterness (sự đắng cay, đau đớn) and arthritic rheumatism (bệnh thấp khớp). The atmosphere was thick with hatred (sự căm thù). But there was one woman who bonded with me. She had been a Matron of a big teaching hospital and was wounded in her spine which meant that she was unable to move her body from the neck down, though she could breathe well. My job was to bathe her, dress her and feed her.

Bin Kuan

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