"Get out of a jam" nghĩa là gì?

Đúng nơi, đúng thời điểm Photo by Deva Darshan from Pexels

'Get out of a jam' -> nghĩa là thoát ra khỏi hoàn cảnh bế tắc.

Ví dụ
In other words, is Warren being straight with voters or simply trying to get out of a jam she created for herself when she hopped on Sanders’s Medicare-for-all bandwagon to protect her left flank?

Not only does Kelley earn her place by booking the signings and interviews, she’s also there with a chainsaw (cưa xích) at the ready when Ash needs to get out of a jam! Going back to the medieval thing, their exchange here is reminiscent (nhớ lại, gợi lại) of a knight and squire, which I dig.

Democrats (Đảng viên đảng Dân chủ) and the media presented Ambassador Gordon Sondland’s testimony (bằng chứng) Wednesday — that there was a quid pro quo in the Ukraine affair — as an anti-Trump “bombshell.” In truth, it was an “attention-grabbing and enormously clever gambit (bước đầu, thí quân) to get out of a jam,” argues the Washington Examiner’s Byron York.

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