"Have heart set against" nghĩa là gì?

"Have heart (dead) set against (something)" = Hoàn toàn chống đối/phản kháng lại điều gì.

Ví dụ
But Mr Johnson is dead set against having a re-run of the 2014 vote and has ruled one out if he stays on as PM.

Last time the issue came up council members (thành viên hội đồng) were pretty dead set against the idea, with only one person voting in favor of legislation (lập pháp) in 2016.

There comes a time in everyone’s life when the deck seems stacked against you. One minute you can be on top of the world; the next minute the world seems dead set against you. For whatever reason forces have gathered together in a determined effort to drag you down, to discredit (nghi ngờ, làm mất uy tín) everything you have achieved, and destroy you as a person.

Bin Kuan

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