"Heads up" nghĩa là gì?

Ngó xem thử có ai trên nóc nhà không? Photo by  frank mckenna

"Heads up" = Coi chừng đó! giống như "Watch out" để cảnh báo nên cẩn thận trước những mối nguy hiểm hay rủi ro trước mắt.

Ví dụ
“I don't have regrets – the players know when I am not happy as I tell them, but today I told them: 'Heads up, guys,'” Guardiola revealed.

She heads up Child Impact Projects aimed at preventing childhood trauma (chấn thương), and while she says there are red flags, they can be hard to notice.

“Drivers should keep their heads up for pedestrians (người đi bộ) and cyclists at all times,” said Active Transportation Coordinator Angela Broadbent.

Bin Kuan

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