"Kick the tin" nghĩa là gì?

Mua coca ủng hộ bạn đi nào! Photo by Gyula Zsámbok

"Kick the tin" = Đá cái hộp/cục tiền -> Trì hoãn/chậm trễ trong việc đưa ra quyết định, hành động hoặc cách giải quyết cho vấn đề (đặc biệt trong chính trị); đóng góp một phần tài chính hoặc chịu trách nhiệm chi trả cho cái gì.

Ví dụ
"We were expecting them to kick the tin for a further $16 million. They're not," he said. "They've come up with a hypothesis (giả thuyết) that this is a Commonwealth biosecurity (an toàn sinh học) issue. There's no proof of that whatsoever."

My brother Matt lost his battle against brain cancer in October 2017 and Saturday marks the second annual charity race (giải chạy gây quỹ từ thiện hằng năm) day so let’s hope we can back a few winners on Saturday and kick the tin to help brain cancer research.

“The graduates have already had a taste of the real life, having finished their studies mid last year and tried to get employed. Many know by now that the world can be harsh (cay nghiệt) and unforgiving. I hope many are tightening their belts in readiness for the struggle ahead. Some may have decided to kick the tin down the road by continuing with school. And others may have given up altogether. My prayer is that there are more of the first and less of the last kind,” he said.

Bin Kuan

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