"Means to an end" nghĩa là gì?

Vì mục tiêu xa hơn. Photo by Marvin Meyer

"Means to an end" = Phương cách cho mục tiêu cuối cùng -> Làm một việc vì nó giúp bạn có được điều khác, làm bàn đạp cho mục tiêu chính.

Ví dụ
The founder of Project Reconciliation says he views the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion as a means to an end when it comes to a cleaner environment.

And yet, regardless of why anyone starts lifting weights (cử tạ) in the first place, most people I know who stick with the sport over the long haul don’t do it because it’s a means to an end. For us, lifting weights becomes a transformative practice to be undertaken primarily for its own sake, the byproduct (sản phẩm phụ) of which is a nourishing effect on the soul.

“This home was stolen from the black community in the subprime mortgage crisis (khủng hoảng thế chấp), and it’s been sitting vacant (trống rỗng) for nearly two years," Walker said during that same aforementioned press conference (cuộc họp báo đã được nói đến trước đây), making a point that the Moms 4 Housing are done working through "the system" to find a means to an end: "But this system doesn’t work for people ... it only works for banks and corporations.”

Bin Kuan

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