"More than flesh and blood can stand" nghĩa là gì?

After the break-up. Photo by Road Trip with Raj

"More than flesh and blood can stand" = Vượt sức chịu đựng của thể xác -> Qúa đau đớn, đau khổ và tủi nhục đến nỗi không thể chịu đựng được (nói quá lên về một cơn đau về thể xác hoặc tinh thần).

Ví dụ
Watching other pedestrians (người đi bộ) politely step out of the way of a person who is staring at their phone and refusing to look where they’re going is more than flesh and blood can stand.

‘The concept of the game is negligible (không đáng kể),’ carped one critic, ‘the prizes insignificant and the sight of the lad himself in loose charge of one of the most unbelievably bad quiz shows on television is more than flesh and blood can stand.’

Lost in the lede was this: that Ecuador appears to be hoping “that Assange’s already uncomfortable confinement (sự giam hãm) will become intolerable” (không thể chịu đựng). The Oxford dictionary defines “intolerable” as “unbearable, insufferable, unsupportable, insupportable, unendurable, beyond endurance, unacceptable, impossible, more than flesh and blood can stand, too much to bear, past bearing, not to be borne, overpowering (…)”.

Bin Kuan

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