"Not quite right in the head" nghĩa là gì?

Khi bạn đang trong không gian ảo do chính mình tạo ra. Photo by Bethany Szentesi

"Not quite right in the head" = Đầu không ổn lắm -> Đầu óc và tâm trí không ổn, không khỏe. Các bạn có thể hiểu theo nghĩa gốc và nghĩa đen nhé.

Ví dụ
Willem can't stop looking at Amy, who thinks, “[T]here's something about the way Willem stares at me, as if he's not quite right in the head.

Of course, we’re also not sure if The Salesman is scamming Kit with this whole “I want to sell you a unicorn (kỳ lân)” spiel (câu chuyện). Or maybe he’s just not quite right in the head. After all, unicorns aren’t real… right?

It’s unknown whether Northam’s now-infamous yearbook (kỷ yếu khét tiếng) photo reflects a grossly insensitive attempt at shock humor (tin đồn) or genuine racial animus (tinh thần phấn chấn) he may have once held; his bizarre press conference (cuộc họp báo quái dị) retracting his initial confession while admitting to another instance of wearing blackface left the distinct impression the man’s not quite right in the head. But it certainly wouldn’t be the first example of racism and pro-abortion (ủng hộ nạn phá thai) ideology (hệ tư tưởng) overlapping; in fact, racism (phân biệt chủng tộc) is baked into the origins of the modern abortion industry.

Bin Kuan

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