"Phony as a three-dollar bill" nghĩa là gì?

Bây giờ không tin được bố con thằng nào cả :( mất xe như chơi. Photo by: Markus Spiske on Unsplash

"Phony as a three-dollar bill" = giả mạo như tờ ba đô-la (thứ ko có trên đời) -> nghĩa là giả mạo, không hợp pháp.

Ví dụ
America has been fooled by the charter school industry for too long. The popular myth (truyền thuyết) that charter schools were invented by unions to empower (trao quyền) teachers and communities so that students would have better options is as phony as a three dollar bill.

He’s had to leave the country just over that, so do you think they’d be having the FBI at his house in two hours after he called in about that if it was just a rumor (tin đồn)? No, they don’t want that discussed. So Vegas is as phony as a three dollar bill or as Obama’s birth certificate (chứng nhận).

They do it first and foremost for grant money. They know that any scientist who proffers (dâng hiến) a differing view will be accused of being a science-denier so they produce "studies" that are politically correct even if as phony as a three-dollar bill.

Ngọc Lân

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