"Pit of your stomach" nghĩa là gì?

Thanh niên hơi sợ độ cao một chút. Photo by Ilkin Safterov from Pexels

"Pit of one's stomach" hay "the pit of the stomach" = lõm thượng vị, phần giữa của dạ dày, chỗ dễ bị ảnh hưởng khi con người cảm thấy căng thẳng, sợ hãi, hay những cảm giác mạnh mẽ nào đó. 

Ví dụ
The pit in my stomach came from standing on the highest structure around. It didn’t look that high from the ground. 

It's like an all-consuming dread (sợ hãi) that hits you at, like, the pit of your stomach, reliving the most traumatic (đau thương) thing... It was cathartic (thuốc tẩy). But it was hard. 

Just as you’ve triple checked your basket, the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach comes over you as the ‘oops something went wrong, please refresh the page (tải lại trang) to try that again’ message pops up. 

It just gave me a pit in my stomach. This is not to say that a man might want to see that. I just think I felt very much a responsibility (trách nhiệm) not to perpetuate (duy trì) this idea of disposable female characters, because of how it makes me feel when I watch that. 

Thu Phương

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