"Run around like a blue-arsed fly" nghĩa là gì?

Không biết có phải con ruồi này không? Photo by Philip Veater

"Run around like a blue-arsed fly" = Bay/chạy loanh quanh như một con ruồi đ*t xanh -> Làm rất nhiều việc/hoạt động cùng một lúc, làm nhiều việc một cách rất nhanh để còn làm mớ việc khác nữa.

Ví dụ
“They can do what they want. I’m still going to run around like a blue arsed fly trying to put the ball in the back of the net. That’s my job.

"I used to have to go into shops when I was young and speak to people much older and more experienced than I was to try and sell them watches. "I used to run around like a blue-arsed fly trying to sell as many as I could because I was paid on commission (thi hành nhiệm vụ, phận sự)."

Park built a solid reputation (danh tiếng vững chắc) at Manchester United as being Fergie’s go-to guy when he needed someone to just run around like a blue-arsed fly. Sadly, that’s not enough when you’re playing in a struggling team that can’t string more than a few passes together. Hence, floppage.

Bin Kuan

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