"The end justifies the means" nghĩa là gì?

Đời còn lắm quanh co. Photo by  Tim Trad

"The end justifies the means" = Kết cục/mục đích biện minh cho phương tiện/phương cách -> Chấp nhận dùng cả phương cách bất chính để đạt mục đích.

Ví dụ
Like mother like son, right? Michael unquestionably (mù quáng) has an affinity (mối quan hệ) for power, and he definitely lives by the motto (khẩu hiệu, phương châm) "the end justifies the means". He's willing to get his hands dirty, and he's pretty obsessed (rất ám ảnh) with coming out on top.

The popular phrase "the end justifies the means" is often used in politics, business and in most social activities. This phrase, mistakenly attributed (quy cho) to the writer Machiavelli in his famous work "The Prince," emphasizes that the objective of the action is more important or justifies the means or ways of achieving that objective.

In this point he made a difference with conservatives (đảng bảo thủ), who tend to have more “scruples” (tính thận trọng, cân nhắc) over their political tactics and “rarely feel that the end justifies the means. And this is as it should be,” he said. “But there is no getting around the fact that this puts conservatives at a disadvantage when facing progressive holy war, especially when doing so under the weight of a hyper-partisan (phe ủng hộ quá kích động) media,” he concluded.

Bin Kuan

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